Empowering Your Dreams of Relocation

At Dream Lottery, we provide free visa and relocation contests for Pakistanis every month, helping someone achieve their dream of living abroad with ease and excitement.

time-lapse photography of vehicle at the road in between the building at nighttime aerial photography
time-lapse photography of vehicle at the road in between the building at nighttime aerial photography
Life-changing opportunity awaits you!

Khalil Rana

white and pink petaled flowers on metal fence near concrete houses and tower at daytime
white and pink petaled flowers on metal fence near concrete houses and tower at daytime
Our Story

Founded with a mission to provide life-changing opportunities, our program offers participants the chance to win a fully paid relocation abroad, complete with job placement support.

white and red calendar on white wall
white and red calendar on white wall
brown building during daytime
brown building during daytime
white plane flying over gray clouds
white plane flying over gray clouds

For a limited time participate in our exciting lottery for a chance to win your dream visa and relocation.

Visa Lottery

Join our free visa and relocation contests designed for Pakistanis aspiring to live abroad.

yellow and white concrete building
yellow and white concrete building
person riding airplane photography
person riding airplane photography
Free Lottery

For a limited time participate in our exciting lottery for a chance to win your dream visa and relocation.

Dream Relocation

Explore opportunities to relocate abroad with our comprehensive support and guidance for participants.